Lacey Parks Events

Edward Lange: An Early Artist in Thurston County
September 28 | 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Online Meeting

See how art and history combine to tell the story of Edward Lange, an artist who worked in Thurston County at the turn of the 19th/20th centuries. Born in Germany in 1846, Lange came to Long Island, New York in 1870 and moved to Olympia, Washington in 1889. For the next twenty-three years he created highly detailed drawings of farms, businesses and entire communities in Thurston County (and elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest). Lange died in 1912, but many examples of his amazing artwork still exist. They provide wonderful windows through which we can see the history of our area. In this illustrated presentation speaker Drew Crooks will include recently discovered images as well as new information.
Edward Lange, watercolor of David and Elizabeth Chambers Farm, circa 1890s.
Site is now the home of the Panorama retirement community.
Courtesy Washington State Historical Society.

Drew Crooks received a Bachelor’s degree in history and anthropology and a master’s degree in museum studies from the University of Washington. For over 35 years he has worked with various museums in South Puget Sound, written numerous articles and five books on the region’s heritage, and presented history talks to school classes and community groups.