Lacey Parks Events
Scoundrels: The Life of Susie Lewis
October 12 | 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Wednesday, October 12, 2022, 6:30 p.m.
Join us in person or online:
Lacey City Hall Council Chambers
Program Description
Over a century ago, Tumwater resident Susie Lewis suffered a chain of tragedies: abuse, broken homes, infidelity, murder, abandonment, divorce, a child’s death, and a fatal disease. And her misfortunes continued even after she died. Curator Karen Johnson presents an illustrated true-crime talk about Susie’s life and loves, including the scoundrels who hounded her to an early grave.
Speaker Bio
Karen Johnson has worked in the museum field since 2001. She has written many history articles and co-authored two books about a Washington pioneer. She currently serves as the curator at the Olympia Tumwater Foundation, and as the editor of the Thurston County Historical Journal.