Lacey Parks Events

Who Was O. C. Lacey? A Century Old Mystery Solved!
February 13 | 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Hybrid Format: Come in person to Lacey City Hall, Council Chambers or join online. Registration required for online attendance only. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

Program Description
Although not Lacey’s founder, O. C. Lacey has been a mysterious historical figure for over a century. After becoming a prominent figure in Olympia and leaving his name on the Lacey post office, he left town after a public scandal in 1895 and was never heard from again. Although research had uncovered where he went after leaving Washington, no one has ever discovered where he came from–until now. Join us as Museum Curator Erin Quinn Valcho reveals the mysterious past of O. C. Lacey for the first time.
Erin Quinn Valcho is a native Washingtonian who grew up in Bellingham and graduated from Pacific Lutheran University. Graduate school took her to Colorado where she graduated from the University of Denver with a master’s in anthropology and museum studies. She has been a museum professional for over 25 years with positions at the Denver Art Museum, Denver Firefighters Museum and the Greeley Museums. She is currently on the editorial board of the Thurston County Historical Journal. She has been the curator at the Lacey Museum for over 10 years and is glad to have found her home.