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Available Presentations
Outreach programs are available free of charge for community organizations or schools on the topics below. Unfortunately, due to staff capacity limitations, we are unable to provide on-demand topics for presentations.
Note: Presentations are currently only available virtually. We can provide Zoom hosting if necessary.
Lacey’s New Museum Project
Lacey New Museum Project: Get the latest on the new Lacey Museum and Cultural Center project.
Approx. 30 mins. Requires PowerPoint presentation capabilities.
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Destination Gwinwood
Destination Gwinwood: On the southwestern shore of Hicks Lake, a retreat center retains the name Gwinwood from its resort glory days. Find out about the tragedy and triumph of its namesake Gwin Hicks, discover their most famous visitor and learn how the site came to be owned by the Western Washington Christian Churches.
Approx. 40 minutes. Requires PowerPoint presentation capabilities.
Lacey Then, Lacey Now
Lacey Then, Lacey Now: Join Erin Quinn Valcho, Museum Curator, for a fascinating journey through Lacey’s history – featuring nostalgic photos of the past and what those places look like today. Museum Curator, Erin Quinn Valcho, shares some interesting facts and funny stories of Lacey’s past.
Approx. 40-50 minutes. Requires PowerPoint presentation capabilities.
Please note: Presentation has been updated since the video below, so final presentation may be a little different.
Picture This! Preserving Your Photograph Collection
Picture This! Preserving Your Photograph Collection: Geared towards small museums or personal collections. During this program, Erin Quinn Valcho, Museum Curator, teaches you about types of photographs, the enemies of your photo collection, how to properly care for your photos, and money-saving tips.
Approx. 45 minutes – 1 hour. Requires PowerPoint presentation capabilities.
Quilt Preservation, Storage & Display
Quilt Preservation, Storage & Display: Designed for owners of personal quilt collections, Erin Quinn Valcho, Museum Curator, teaches you tips and tricks you can use in your own home to help your quilts last as long as possible so that you can love them longer!
Approx. 45 minutes – 1 hour. Requires PowerPoint presentation capabilities.