Lacey Parks Events

150 Years of Jewish History in the South Sound
March 14 | 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Hybrid Format: Come in person to Lacey City Hall, Council Chambers or join online. Registration required for online attendance only. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

Program Description
The first Jewish settlers in Washington arrived in the Olympia/Tumwater/Lacey area, establishing the first Jewish organization and first Jewish cemetery in Washington state. Beginning with a handful of merchants and families, the Jewish community in our region has grown over time to several thousand people. Join Rabbi Seth Goldstein, spiritual leader of Temple Beth Hatfiloh, for an opportunity to learn about the history of the Jewish people in the U.S. in general and Washington in particular, and Judaism as a faith, tradition and culture.
Rabbi Seth Goldstein has served as the spiritual leader of Temple Beth Hatfiloh in Olympia since his ordination in 2003. He is both committed to creating vibrant Jewish community and using a spiritual voice to speak to issues of social justice and common concern. Rabbi Goldstein is the author of numerous published articles, essays, liturgy and poetry, has been quoted in major news outlets, and has an active presence in teaching Judaism on social media.