Lacey Parks Events
Prince Hall Freemasons and Washington State
May 08 | 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Hybrid Format: Come in person to Lacey City Hall, Council Chambers or join online. Registration required for online attendance only. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
Program Description
Join Lester L. Dickson to traverse the centuries starting in circa 1770s to present day through a narrative of the evolution of Prince Hall Freemasons. This presentation will discuss the challenges the organization overcame, notable members of the Order, its introduction in the State of Washington, and its expansion to the City of Lacey.
Lester Lee Dickson is a thirty year resident of the City of Lacey and has 27 years of public service with the State of Washington. He has spent 42 years as a Prince Hall Freemason. A few notable positions include Worshipful Master of Fred U. Harris Lodge #70; Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, State of Washington, and Jurisdiction; Commander-in-Chief, Capital City Consistory #106, and a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason. He is a current Board Member of the Dr. James W. Washington Foundation for the Arts, and member of the Social Justice and Civic Engagement Committee, United Supreme Council, Northern Jurisdiction.